In this episode, Adrienne Houghton and Angelica Nwandu join Stephanie Ike to talk about how one can be a Christian and struggle with their mental health.
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In this episode, Adrienne Houghton and Angelica Nwandu join Stephanie Ike to talk about how one can be a Christian and struggle with their mental health.
© 2020 Copyright - All rights reserved.
This is so powerful!
I love all three of these women.. God bless them.
Wow i came across this episode and needed to watch it. First of all, beautiful inspirational strong wisdom women. God bless you. I struggle with depression and i have a burnout, that is overworked, feeling exhausted, sometimes getting out of bed is so hard. I keep holding on to Jesus, praying and trying to stay at his feet. I had so much time during lockdown to figure out where these problems come from. And i figured it out, problems from like 22 years ago! I do not use medication, i need God. Pray to God that He releases you from this, it feels liberating to confess sins or the things you struggle with, get it out in the open, tell someone, and freedom will come from all these problems. Being honest, open up, confess, i feel so much freedom. I am recovering. God is putting me into the light, laying everything bare. He makes me new. God bless all of you, He will get us through this. I agree with Mrs. Nwandu, the lowest episodes in our life, give us so much wisdom, it teaches us about life and what is important. These seasons make us grow closer to God.
Love this show
Adrienne and friends this is the best conversation I've ever heard. Those were my thoughts and desires, but God can do everything. Sometimes your desires are not of God???? Ty.
Soooooo good! And each of you have perfect hair! I actually quit watching The Real some time ago, I would love to see this platform on TV!
I can relate to Adrienne in so many ways. If I would have thought with logic I wouldn’t have the amazing husband I have now. Gods thoughts are higher than our thoughts and his ways higher than our ways❤️
Really pure and true conversation. I am actually taking notes.
This was very inspiring what a beautiful conversation these ladies were having
This is a beautiful conversation, much needed in our culture and generation ❤️?
Man this is relatable
Just watching this, but not always are your desires God's desires. Living life is a process…what are you doing in the process of life…in the waiting part.
such a good interview
Awesome discussion!
God bless you. I didn't except to watch till the end, but your conversation was so powerful. God is amazing❤. He will do everything on the right time. I had to understand it to feel real peace.
I wish this interview was only for Adrienne. I think talking about her experience wanting to be a mother could have helped a lot of women
Loved watching this episode, issues discussed by these ladies really resonated with me and its encouraging to have such important issues discussed in public forums. No one is perfect and at times we tend to get pressured or allow ourselves to be led by our carnal nature, outside influences and culture instead of relying on and trusting in God for His guidance and trusting in His will as well as just being open with Him about our personal struggles and seeking Him especially in our most vulnerable and depressing moments and seeking His healing, love, and peace. Also as christians we'll be attacked by the enemy so its also very important to be vigilant of the enemy's tactics, discern and grow and strengthen ourselves in Christ, His word and grace!
Wow…thank you so much for this conversation. Life is real but Jesus is "realer" lol A walk with God makes everything alright. Thanks.
Awesome conversation and the ways and goodness of God
Love It!!!
Angelica I feel you so much! I’m feeling each lady’s realness!
Love this conversation ladies so many things I can relate to!
12:35 got me laughing ? Jesus won’t drop the plane ✈️
I want to give you everything I just don’t want it to HAVE YOU DANG!!!! That’s strong!!!
I really do hope Ade has her baby soon, in Jesus name. Also, correct me if I'm wrong, I feel like the worst and most confusing/frustrating feeling as a christian woman who desperately desires a child is not necessarily not being able to get pregnant when you want. In this case your mind goes to "well that's ok, God. Your timing is more perfect than mine, and it will happen " Instead I believe the worst feeling is to continuously get pregnant and feel so much joy for it to just time and time again end in a miscarriage. In this case then it's like "well dang God, what am I suppose to learn from this? I was willing to wait for your perfect timing to conceive and have a child. I accepted being patient. Why can't I just continue to wait for that perfect child? Why must you subject me to continuous devastation and hurt? What kind of awful trick are you playing here?" This was my thought process when having multiple miscarriages before having my son. And again with multiple miscarriages before having another pregnancy, now, that actually stuck. Some people are not even this fortunate to have that one rainbow after the storm and I can not fathom their hurt. Though what I can say is that though I still don't understand why God allowed me and so many other to go through the pain of multiple miscarriages, I do know that I am able to speak to and comfort others who are or have gone through it. I am able to speak hope and faith and life into someone else because of what I have experienced and I am thankful to be able to do that for someone else. Not happy or thankful for the process, but so grateful for the opportunities it has granted to help someone else.
I love Adrienne 🙂 Great convo here
Just wow. It was for me. THANK YOU!
Amen Amen Amen…praise God!
I have enjoyed this conversation more than ANY I think. It really was on TIME. It's about TRUSTING GOD. NO MATTER WHAT. THANK U LADIES . CONTINUE TO LET GOD USE U. Learned even more about A's personality.
wow. lovely conversation. "a desire is the evidence of what is, what God will bring…" Love this. It's all about aligning ourselves with the will of God. it's a constant process, but Jeremiah 29:11 tells that that His plans for us are of peace, not of evil. May God grant us the desire to seek Him and trust Him fully. Amen!
I like Adrienne she is open, honest, and God can use her.
What about Angélica? No prayer for her?
This was such an inspiring discussion, I'm so glad I clicked on this video, God Bless all these women and everyone reading this comments after watching ??
Much needed. Beautiful conversation.
Really??? Adrienne just talked about money? I mean it's good to have money, but why we as a Christians should think about money we have? What happened to Luke 12-22…. ? Where Jesus said that we shouldn't think about tomorrow and God will provide us just like He provides for flowers, birds…. If pastor wouldn't get his money check every month does it mean his family will struggle food, clothes, essentials? I don't think so… God is Great!!! If we as Christians start to worry about some "struggles" that mean we stop trusting God
Never knew you work with the Shade room! What?!?! im new to Cali so sorry fo me not knowing. I attend TPH lol
Angelica thoughts are my exact thoughts. EXACTLY TO A "T" – EVERYTHING SHE SAID
I'm a Muslim and I loved listening to this it similarly shows the relationships we have with Allah, He sees our hearts and every challenge is a blessing in disguise and it all unravels with time. in the Quran god says
"And will provide for him from where he does not expect. And whoever relies upon Allah – then He is sufficient for him. Indeed, Allah will accomplish His purpose. Allah has already set for everything a [decreed] extent." 65:3
However, I'm just sad that when you say God you refer to his Messenger/Prophet Jesus it might be a small detail but to the Almighty God it's diminishing of his Holy Being. How can the Creator share the same characteristics as his creations. We worship Him alone. One god. No child. No Wife. we don't even know how He looks like because our minds cannot fathom it. Our religions are beautifully very similar. I'm searching about different religions comparing and I highly recommend you do the same. We live ONE LIFE and we want to be sure we reach heaven when it ends. hopefully all together never falling for any of the devil's deceptions.
In the Quran which is the last holy book after the Gospel, God clearly mentions he has no son and Jesus is his messenger and prophet, because he saw and knew the misinterpretations that humans made after he saved Jesus. He sent us the Quran.
Quran 4:171
"O People of the Scripture, do not commit excess in your religion or say about Allah except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, was but a messenger of Allah and His word which He directed to Mary and a soul [created at a command] from Him. So believe in Allah and His messengers. And do not say, "Three"; desist – it is better for you. Indeed, Allah is but one God. Exalted is He above having a son. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. And sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs."
Quran chapter 112
“He is Allah, the Unique. Allah, the Self-Sufficient. He does not give birth, nor was He born. And there is none equal to Him.”
I don't know what made me write this but you guys seemed so close to me I related to all what you're saying so I felt like I want to be authentic with you as well and share my opinion as we never how much our words might affect someone.
Have a great day!
If God never gives me a husband I will still love him so much❤… thank you guys so much for this
what an amazing discussion ladies thanks for sharing with us and helping us understand God's ways more and more 🙂
I love love that interviewer! Thank you for sharing this ?
this is so real