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This is fricking awsome, and it's ashame that there is only 180 comments on here. This goes to show you how the real down to earth shit is just not being watched or talked about hardly at all, but the few that are, it is so unique today.
I love how Jerry doesn’t care. If you give a bum attention it lets them know their ignorant opinion matters.
Somebody gon push him off a terrace and this video will support the suicide claims
Love those glasses.
That's dark, Jerry
The human brain created that phone though!
Why, why, why, but why????????????
Yeah, I think of jumping too, when I'm in a ledge of a high place, who cares? Doesn't mean I have suicidal tendencies, it's just a thought that crosses your mind.
Love this 4 real
But why do u care about them so much wale?? thats his major problem. live your own life buddy, they aint paying your bills.
These will be sparks of genius on a spark filled nothing
Jerry finally has the real life mentor/protege relationship.
they're so casually talking about suicide lmao
Jerry was dropping gems straight from his bank account in this one.
Wale, if he's still like this cuz I know this interview is old, really needs to forget about the haters and live his life. There's always gonna be people who don't like you and theres 1000x more of them when you're successful. Most of the time there's no reason for it other than jealousy, which is a cliche I know but there's a lot of truth to it.
If you think about why Jerry doesn't want to know why he has thoughts of jumping off a terrace, it actually makes sense. He's afraid to come face to face with his demons. No sane person thinks of the possibility of jumping off of it. The thought of even that happening has to have a reason. That's classic Jerry, he never shares himself during his comedy acts. He just talks about arbitrary shit. He cuts through reasoning why people would act like assholes because that might make him ration some of his actions.
wale translation: "im insecure"
does Elaine have a rapper buddy too??
I love this
wale didn't listen to jerry about the white blond on TMZ lol
Yuck…Dont do the rappers unless its jay z. @2:45 Jerry is wrong. Yes it has to do with you wale.
Wale is so fine, my goodness ?
Did seinfeld seriously just ask who is Jay z?
Jerry Seinfield is like a dad giving his son advice.
he must use proactiv
Why did they put Wale in the dark?
I could listen to them talk all day
Wale is a moron. Why do they do it? Because they find it entertaining. They put minimal effort into trolling you, knowing that there's a chance they'll have a big response from you.
Can't help but notice the absence of Michael Richards at the dinner that day.
I understand wale
2nd hand smoke doesn't exist huh Jerry ?
"The mind is not that great." Jerry Seinfeld.