i had no idea there were two versions, and apparently I'm only familiar with the other version, which I've always really liked. just heard this one for the first time though and i prefer it by a mile! this one is quirkier and more about him, the other one is poppier and slicker, but less individual, i think.
if you listen to this version and then the 1999 version you can really hear how his voice has matured along with the quality of the songs and the production values.
Ok I just submitted myself to the infamous and unknown to me 99 version. And it sucked beyond belief 馃檨
What other version??!? :O
I neither suffer from hayfever nor am I homosexual. Yet I can relate to this. I'm not irish either.
Most relatable song in history
i had no idea there were two versions, and apparently I'm only familiar with the other version, which I've always really liked. just heard this one for the first time though and i prefer it by a mile! this one is quirkier and more about him, the other one is poppier and slicker, but less individual, i think.
if you listen to this version and then the 1999 version you can really hear how his voice has matured along with the quality of the songs and the production values.
This version is perfect.
I much prefer this version.
One of my favorite tracks on Liberation (1993).
I prefer the revised version, but this is pretty fab too 馃檪 Digging Neils pronounciation on the verses.
The best version from his best album !
Not bad at all, but the 1999 version is still a lot better