DaBaby gets political and spits some truth in this powerful medley of “Practice”, “Blind” & “ROCKSTAR” live at the MTV EMA 2020. The 2020 MTV EMAs are …
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DaBaby gets political and spits some truth in this powerful medley of “Practice”, “Blind” & “ROCKSTAR” live at the MTV EMA 2020. The 2020 MTV EMAs are …
© 2020 Copyright - All rights reserved.
What a performance! ? Which song hit the hardest in the medley?
Ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy The baby killed this
This chart shows the gas consumption globally.
USA has 328 million ppl in it, China 1.3 billion add Russia u see my point.
Even Europe has more population then USA.
What I'm trying to show u is the amount of gas being wasted in the USA. Its atrocious.
Carbon footprint galore.
Boycott USA it has no consideration for the world. Land of wasters.
Boycott USA now
rip dababy rest in heaven
Hmm no. Stupid cenario.
Im 7 and i no all the worlds
I don't like DaBaby
The sad thing is that this is happening every day..??
I like that he used his songs as a script. Lol
?Let's see my beloved Friends, THE DAVIN? https://youtu.be/QSqCd4yAdZE, CI CODE. Where his family?! ?
SEJARAH PRANCIS & https://youtu.be/os3Wrh5bk_k UMAT ISLAM
?https://youtu.be/Kl6s_PxxReU ❤️https://youtu.be/7De61dCZdY4 ? and next ini??angka diluar Islam: l, ll, lll, lV, dst,
kalo nulis 1,000,000.pusing?kita.?Yg ini angka buatan Islam 1-0 bisa nulis✍️ 1,000,000. dst ?❤️?Pada kitab Al Qur'an 6620 ayat,sudah tertulis rencana ALLAH, sejak alam semesta & isinya diciptakan. ❤️
https://youtu.be/7zGRq39jOBA, Kemana orang2 setelah mati ?https://youtu.be/x7aMcgMOQ-I,❤️ https://youtu.be/0O_hmQl1n8k
❤️?Let's watch, https://youtu.be/LEjXjhAGduU,
❤️?Jika manusia bisa di jadikan Tuhan? https://youtu.be/KjHn0ujKUAk, Nabi Adam lebih berhak, karena bliau tanpa Ayah & Ibu, langsung dari Syorga ke Bumi ?https://youtu.be/jQI3eQtYY8g, Allah tugaskan Adam menjadi khalifah di bumi? https://youtu.be/-vo8cJxF-TQ, Adam agama Islam, bliau puasa jakat, pitrah, sujud minta ampun untuk menyembah Allah, berdo'a, (sholat), dll? https://youtu.be/pIhBpAEIG48 ❤️? Nabi Ibrahim! ? https://youtu.be/iC86ha-GzZ8 Agama Islam karena bliau puasa jakat, pitrah, sujud minta ampun pada Allah, berdo'a, (sholat), dll? https://youtu.be/bsEoQjw3nNM ❤️? Nabi Musa, Bliau juga
❤️https://youtu.be/-SyRLptNcBc ❤️melakukan, puasa jakat, sujud, berdo'a, sholat, dll? https://youtu.be/IpCOGjzwhgg, ❤️?Nabi Isa juga agama Islam,
bliau sholat, sujud, berdo'a, minta ampun, puasa dan semua mukjizat yang bliau miliki atas ijin Allah SWT, https://youtu.be/UTSM6iv7eZk, ❤️?Semua Nabi2 agama Islam melakukan rukun Iman 6 item? https://youtu.be/ZSg2gqQhDeE, 1). Iman kepada Allah, 2). Iman kepada malaikat-malaikat Allah?https://youtu.be/gkZi5iaHCfY, 3). Iman kepada kitab-kitab Allah, 4). Iman kepada rasul-rasul Allah, 5). Iman kepada hari akhir, 6). Iman kepada takdir baik & buruk dari Allah SWT? https://youtu.be/p0-TRWdBWR4,❤️?Dan ALLAH MENYEMPURNAKAN semua Agama melalui Nabi Muhammad, disebut 5 Rukun Islam yakni: 1].Mengucapkan dua kalimat Syahadat =ASYHADU 'ALLA ILAHA ILL LALLAH WAAS HADU ANNA MUHAMMAD RASUL 'ALLAH?https://youtu.be/Vz-vjDsYIg8, ?
2].Mendirikan sholat, 3].Mengeluarkan zakat, 4].Berpuasa dalam bulan Ramadhan,
5].Menunaikan Haji jika mampu? https://youtu.be/LFSM7nTPjfk,❤️?Nabi Muhammad memiliki mukjizat2 tetapi bliau ber sabda: Aku tdk tau apa2 semua hanya atas ijin Allah, INSYAA ALLAH?https://youtu.be/H4nai9HSIWM, ??Allah memberikan kepada Para Nabi dan Rosul muk'jizat/ kelebihan (kesaktian bahasa umum).
Maka, orang2 yg tdk tunduk perintah ALLAH disebut kaum KAFIR, Orang2 yg melakukan persembahan diluar Islam disebut MUSYRIK? https://youtu.be/1FDUfYuBa6o❤️ Orang2 yg membangkang disebut SETAN (setan bukan mahluk, tetapi sifat dari diri pribadi orang2 yg tdk mau di beri jalan kebaikan)? https://youtu.be/V2Bnz_01enk,❤️?https://youtu.be/0VFgV9ycc1c❤️
Oleh sebab itu, dalam hukum Islam? https://youtu.be/wJi-mHpHPj4?di anjurkan untuk melangkah kemanapun baca:
Nga 'auzu billah himinas syaitan nirojim, Bismillahir rahman nirrahim? https://youtu.be/Vqfy4ScRXFQ?setelah Istri bliau berpulang (passed away) ?️ Baginda Rosul tdk mau menikah lagi ?, tetapi para sahabat terus's memberi saran, agar ada yg menjaga anak2 bliau 6 orang yg masih kecil2. Karena 24jam/ hari bliau menyiarkan Agama Islam?https://youtu.be/9wNFcNVLjpM, ❤️
https://youtu.be/qEgYzb61Nx0, ❤️
https://youtu.be/x1UZpq1dI3k,❤️Akhirnya Baginda Rosul menyetujui calon yg di bawa sahabat, 1 lebih tua 20thn dan 1 lebih muda (karena masih muda usia +-12thn bertunangan, bertemu untuk menikah saat sdh dewasa/ haid usia +-16thn)? https://youtu.be/wluhC1xnBJ0, ?
https://youtu.be/VbB12CmA5f8, ❤️Baginda Muhammad Rosullullah ?https://youtu.be/bIrNeamQFRo?memiliki Pengasuh yg sangat setia, sejak bliau bayi hingga menjadi Rosul, pengasuh ini selalu ada?https://youtu.be/SZUIgMtKKCY❤️Anda sakit?! buka youtube ada bacaan Al Qur'an juz 1-30 dan 11jam. Dengarkan dgn pasang handset/ listening di telingan?dgn slow terus's lakukan, Insyaa Allah sembuh? blh+?https://youtu.be/CtNKtijWIvM dan+? https://youtu.be/g2zxF4irYe4?https://youtu.be/t3CmmxgvpcE?https://youtu.be/_2FKVZLQ8f8?Thank you for watching the youtube's, wish you all the best, Allah bless you & your family until JANNAH?
Powerful amazing I love him ???
??damn dababy
I really love how he made all this around the issues that are/ has happened…
why does nobody sings live in this damn show
Let's gooooooooooo dababy I like you I am 10.
Pls can you get me 50M
Practice blind and Rockstar .
I like ya cut g
Mehn…I love this guy
This and LittleMix’s performance were meh favorites
What a way to portrait a mix of songs
It's like he tells you a story for each song when he raps lol, I been saying that since day one, it's actually quite fun.
This was the best at the EMA
He used his power to bring another one a tragic situation that tragically exists…much respect #blacklivesmatter #alllivesmatter…let's just try to be kind to each other i can tell that there are so many bad people,black people like white and yellow people,but there are so many good people,blake people like white and yellow people…no matter ur skin color,ur economic condition,ur birth place…u matter and i love you… GOD Bless We all??????☁
He was at South West four festival in London last year he jumped down stage and walked past me he was very good live and I didn't think I would like him but now I love him ??
I remembered Jorge Floyed?
Who else is here for wande
??????talk bro
let's go ????
Ha portato in scena una cosa contemporanea: Non si può dire che l'ha fatto male.
Where are the rest of his like tf
He's always creative with his performances??
He kill it
This is amazing
Who here from Wande's Insta
Love his performance showing how cruel some people to Black 🙁
Whats that last song called
Where is bts you didn't upload there video
no offense but sounds terrible tbh
Mad respect for him talking about this topic.
Who else cried during this video? ?♀️?