On Mon 9/25 show…there is a time and place to protest whatever you want to protest. But NFL games ate not it! People pay big money to go see a game, not PROTESTS, for whatever the protest of the hour is! I honestly dont understand why people get bent out of shape over a biological thing such as one person having more or less of s color producing cell. But Men and Women of all colors, religions have fought and died so people can be disrespectful. Take your protest to an appropriate venue and I'm surprised the Ladies of The REAL would HATE America and our Flag and our Military and not present BOTH sides of the Disruption of NFL games. That support continues to divide this country and make people, who have never hated people…start to hate! I wont Ever watch again, or support any project, any of The Real Hosts belong to or participate in.
I got a question for LONI I look at the all the shows and bts so do u think if Paula Deen would've apologized DO YOU THINK SHE SHOULD'VE KEPT HER SHOW ON FOOD NETWORK #ItReallyWasHerFriedChicken
Tamara will be reminesing them to sceans on Sister Sister
On Mon 9/25 show…there is a time and place to protest whatever you want to protest. But NFL games ate not it! People pay big money to go see a game, not PROTESTS, for whatever the protest of the hour is! I honestly dont understand why people get bent out of shape over a biological thing such as one person having more or less of s color producing cell. But Men and Women of all colors, religions have fought and died so people can be disrespectful. Take your protest to an appropriate venue and I'm surprised the Ladies of The REAL would HATE America and our Flag and our Military and not present BOTH sides of the Disruption of NFL games. That support continues to divide this country and make people, who have never hated people…start to hate! I wont Ever watch again, or support any project, any of The Real Hosts belong to or participate in.
You should stand an honor the flag and the military who serve and sacrificed…this is the time to do that…not to make some protest statemmet
Why none of them ever pick Michael Fassbender for #MCM ? Hes gorgeous
What old fart will Adrienne pick this time lol
Just unsubscribed ? yeaah.
You guys think they might bring Tamar back as a guest
I'm dying to see which old men Adrienne's bouta choose for her #mancrushmonday LOLLLL
Tyreek yesss! Would be such a cute nostalgic moment if Tia was there
I got a question for LONI I look at the all the shows and bts so do u think if Paula Deen would've apologized DO YOU THINK SHE SHOULD'VE KEPT HER SHOW ON FOOD NETWORK #ItReallyWasHerFriedChicken
This is my favorite show!!!!!!!???
This should be interesting