You can quickly learn to carve beautiful candles using the candlefun system.
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You can quickly learn to carve beautiful candles using the candlefun system.
© 2020 Copyright - All rights reserved.
please let me know where i can buy it the kit i'm really interesting in that or some one tell me where in Illinois i can buy it
there are many different kinds of waxes.carved candles require paraffin wax with good flexibility. some paraffin waxes have it… some do not. adding some microcrystalline wax (also known as 'microwax") to the paraffin wax can make some paraffin waxes more flexible. details of wax requirements are covered in Candlefun DVD1.
Do you need to add something to the wax to make is so forgiving when you twist and turn them?
Just received my kit today & watched the videos. Glad I have tomorrow off so I can play all day. Only problem-I'll probably make all the candles in one day it looks so cool.
Very creative and a great demonstration…except for the chewing which was quite a distraction.
I want it!!!
ma arriva anche in italia il kit ………carino
lmao the end
"Complete FUN kit!" and then you look at his face and realize just how much fun he's really having
the wax for carved candles needs flexibility… and a certain melting point range… without those qualities candle carving does not work well, if at all. dollar tree wax is unlikely to have those qualities.
I've been watching many videos on this craft today. I stumbled originally across a How It's Made video featuring candle carving. I think you can start and maintain this craft much much cheaper than $400 for this kit.
Dollar Tree could be a wonderful source of wax to melt/reuse on the CHEAP!!! I will give the guy in this video points for using a home made wax vat. I've looked at the ones featured in other videos, they are upwards of $4K!!!
I want to try this, but on the CHEAP!!!
I started carving candles a few weeks ago! It's so much fun. I do not have the fun kit though. Please check out and LIKE my facebook page!!!
facebook . com/ welcometocandleland
He might have horrible spelling but he does have a point. I've watched a couple of videos on this subject, and it seems that this kit is mostly includes useless things and the person that is carving is much too slow. The wax will harden and become brittle if you are that slow.
his wife´l like
Hoa! Sorry what did I miss? I fall asleep
Seems kind of like a rip off
it is the wax sold by candlefun on their webpage.
the name of the company is candlefun. they have a website.
1. candle oil is poured into the oil container which is permanently molded into the core candle.
2. the outside of the candle will stay like that permanently… there is a permanent fiberglass wick that burns the candle oil… the candle is a lifetime collectors item… but you can light it every night.
3. the time and effort you put into carving that beautiful candle you can enjoy the rest of your life!
you can buy a DVD for $30 that shows three different candles.
the candle was already hard when he started carving
i love this! you are so delicate when molding the wax, and they turn out beautiful! what did you pour into it at the end?
Do u know how i can get 400$ fast? o.o cuz i want this