Guest: Immortal Technique (@techimmortal) In this Immortal Technique interview 2020, Tech spoke about …
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Guest: Immortal Technique (@techimmortal) In this Immortal Technique interview 2020, Tech spoke about …
© 2020 Copyright - All rights reserved.
I need to know how i can support Immortal techniques movement. I'm not too far away from NY
Wait……we just gonna forget the fact they just beeped a nigga saying moron
Really immortal technique backs BLM lol
Saw tech for the first time when I was 16 I think brother Ali was headlining, I walked in while “Dance with the devil” started blew my mind such an intelligent person
I've been listening to rap and hip-hop for almost 30 years and I just recently stumbled onto Immortal Technique probly about the last year. I don't know how I "miissed" him or whatever but I'm glad I found em!!!
Always true information, from immortal technique.
I always learn so much, true history. Thanks immortal technique.
Luv n respect to tech from Afghanistan ??
with a powerful influence and position he is just another hypocrite put action to what you spit message is just a opinion until your movement campaign all that you said and say otherwise it's just vain..
21:37 ?
His music carried me through my teens
God bless brother xxx
So who do we believe about our history. Because it seems like everyone has a bias regarding the truth. Because we talk about Cuba, the middle east, African countries and some Asian countries countries being conquered and abused. But the problem I have is that every single Empire or world power from any time in history has contributed to untold horrors. Every single civilization. The problem seems to be the tribal nature of humans. So why is it that only America gets dragged and reminded constantly for their participation in these fucked up things?
Lol…bet. I get 10k a MO? Ttme
Fam, I have a PhD in Latin am hist, grew up on the rosebud. Eschucha me
You pushing out the natives in the rosebud…the OCCUPIED TERRITORIES
Iiwii…we could have a good convo (hmu
Hmu tech…I wrote the papers on how the reagam adm used protestantism to kill liberation theology in Guatemala, I earned a masters…hmu
Yeah, 12 is garbage…
Bet we are on the same side, but you're wrong homie. I'm educated elite (poor kid from the rez…come ttme my, Bx all day ( you gonna hmu on history? BET)