“If me being proud of being black and being loud about it makes you feel uncomfortable, then you need to check yourself.” Subscribe to GMA’s YouTube page: …
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“If me being proud of being black and being loud about it makes you feel uncomfortable, then you need to check yourself.” Subscribe to GMA’s YouTube page: …
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who cares about London, let's talk America. Affirmative action is systemic racism, get rid of all of it, don't cherry pick pull your own weight and stop asking whitey for help
As a man in a mix race relationship I have suffered so much racism , so much hatred and judgment I have been spat on , I have been physically assaulted and honestly I can say never from anyone from my own ethnic background . These women though they did a lot of talking and yet said nothing , which is impressive , Not a single proveable example of systemic racism . show me an actual example of a policy or law for example that is racist and I will fight with you to change it , She did lie though "Taken from our lives of tranquility and beauty in Africa " Slavery was rife in Africa for hundreds and thousands of years before the trans atlantic slave trade even existed and the vast majority of slaves taken from africa were bought from african slave traders who proffited and lead very good lives thanks to the slaves they sold . she said if she sits on a bus next to a white person and they move that is racism ???? NO she assumes it is , she has jumped to a conclusion based on colour , the only proveable racism there is hers , is it not possible they moved because they dont like "anybody " or maybe she smells or has bad breath why automatically assume that all negative interactions with a white person are because they must be racist . if you are raised being told all white people are racist and that you will struggle because white people will treat you different just because you are black then all you will ever see is racism , the irony is that this attitude perpetuates hatred , mistrust and racism .
I'm Asian, living in London, but every time this conversation comes up, everyone is talking about black and white people, and Im just there like ?
The racism is raw in the UK attitudes are changing and the UK is more racist than the USA just hidden and discreet, people are segregated and divided all over the UK, there is no equality or discrimination they don't care about black people period nothing is going to change.
Helping a friend move.
Sold his house.
To a mixed-race couple.
With “systemic” racism how is that even possible?
Guess the new owners are outside
He mentioned the Hispanic couple across the cul-de-sac.
Their son was just accepted into the Air Force Academy.
Hmmm. Where is that “systemic” racism.
Guess he stepped outside
Speaking of which: the new commandant of the AFA is a black general.
How is that possible with
Watched an ethnic Rockies pitcher blow a five-run lead in the ninth.
Checked his contract to see if he delivered on his paycheck.
$550,000 PER YEAR!
Well, what do you expect?
But he is most definitely outside
Patrick MaHomes
10 years, $504 million
Cam Newton
$1,750,000 PER YEAR!!!
Both light years away from
Hamilton cast
All of them way outside
So far
Just this year
In Chicago
3,000+ blacks have been shot/wounded/killed by black brothers.
Shot by police – 17
Bet they would like out of
Their murderous “SYSTEM.”
On the other hand, they should be glad they are not getting the justice they deserve.
There is no “systemic” racism.
There is systemic ignorance of the facts perpetrated by the lying, riot inciting, fact free, rabble rousing, fake news MSM left wing propaganda machine powered by woke millennial twit and twat journalism majors and fashion, food and fluff editors.
"Cynical Theories: How Universities Made Everything about Race, Gender, and Identity – And Why this Harms Everybody" by Helen Pluckrose, James Lindsay.
Start reading it for free: https://amzn.asia/dlb8Efp
Wait who sold who to who?
George Floyds pregnant victim was black #herlifemattered
This will be in the history books for future generations, it will be known as the black nazi regime.
Rasizm jest kretynizmem i katolicyzm nie dopuszcza bycia rasistą. To po pierwsze – zaznaczam to na wstępie, bo jestem katolikiem i brzydzę się rasizmem, tak samo jak kolektywizmem czy odpowiedzialnością zbiorową. Uważam, że skoro głoszą to, co głoszą, to zamiast protestować i krzyczeć proponuję im przeprowadzić się do tej spokojnej, pełnej pokoju i sielankowej Afryki, zmienić nazwiska, język i kulturę na tam obecną. Z całym tzw. dobrodziejstwem inwentarza. Ciekawe, że kiedy biały mówi, że jest dumny z bycia białym, to jest rasizm – kiedy to samo mówi czarny, to jest super wspaniałe zachowanie (najzabawniejsze, że obie te postawy to skrajny rasizm, bo kolor skóry kompletnie nie zależy od nas i na tej samej zasadzie można być dumnym z powodu koloru oczu… głupota do sześcianu). Część z tego, co mówi ta pani, to truizmy – rzeczy zupełnie oczywiste i kompletnie nieodkrywcze. Pozostała część to oparty na emocjach bełkot, który z myśleniem i logiką nie ma nic wspólnego. Prawda jest taka, że gdyby żydowscy i protestanccy handlarze niewolników nie przewieźli Afrykańczyków do Europy czy Ameryk, to dzisiaj takie kraje jak Francja, Anglia czy USA nie miałyby problemu z rasizmem, bo nie miałby tam kto protestować stosując emocjonalny szantaż oparty na pretensjach do przodków. Ludziom z dobrobytu we łbach się poprzewracało, a to woda na młyn cwaniaków, którzy wykorzystują takie emocje. Panie powinny się zastanowić kto wykorzystuje te ich emocje – bo że ktoś to robi, to rzecz oczywista. Ja się cieszę, że jest tak, jak jest, że są te protesty – to świetnie weryfikuje politykę państw i skrajną głupotę ludzi wybieranych do rządzenia oraz zbiorową głupotę ludu, który zatraca personalizm w masowym poddawaniu się ideologii. Tam nikt nie chce rozmawiać, nie chce analizować – tam wszystko opiera się na nienawiści, hasełkach i ignorancji. I bardzo dobrze – bolszewizm, który przyjdzie (już jest tam zresztą obecny, ale jeszcze nie pokazał co potrafi) wyleczy tych wszystkich ludzi z głupoty. Będzie wtedy za późno na żałowanie, naprawienie czegokolwiek, a wszyscy dostaną w tyłki – czego tak bardzo Zachodowi życzył śp. Stefan Kisielewski. Nie piszę tego po angielsku, bo ludzie i tak nie czytają ze zrozumieniem, więc po angielsku też by nie zrozumieli – więc co się będę wysilał 😉
Please watch this and understand why racism should not be practiced.
Nicely said!
They speak like religious people and made no points.
Not once did they break down systemic racism.
One more, so the Zulu weren’t pretty bad ass warriors? They were actually just chilling not bothering folks?
Oh, I get it, Africa never never violence before white people, Africans were just suddenly introduced to the mind boggling concept of violence when white folk came. I don’t hate a single black folk, save for the asshat that stole my Ipod. I’m not silencing you, you’re just an idiot, unlike untold swathes of the human race of all creeds who don’t give two diddly shits about the stupidity of our ancestors.
Okay, now break down unicorns, Santa Claus and leprechauns in under three minutes.
We need a change in our world , ignorant white people need to understand that our lives have to keep mattering it is not just the USA that has racism it’s a global thing and we need to stop seeing our black brothers and sisters being killed then all lives matter , if all lives mattered , would there need to be a hashtag for black lives mattering ?,if slavery never happened would we need to say Black Lives Matter?,it affects us here too because people here are racist
This didn't explain systemic racism at all. They didn't mention any sort of system what so ever. They were just talking about racism in general, jus sayin
1:11 tell me im racist but, they want to check white families, white people in general, just randomly, to see if they're racist? isn't that racist them saying that? 1:11, judging a white person for being a racist just because they're white, that is racism.
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Wait. If my shoe is untied and I bend down to tie it and there happens to a black person around that is racism? If see someone I know on the bus and get up to sit next to them and there was someone black next to me before I got up, I'm a racist? How sensitive are people?
If you want to hold a group of people down, teach them they are victims. If you can teach people that the entire system is against them (systemic racism) and the only way they can succeed is with help from the white man (affirmative action) people have to reason to aspire to succeed. Throwing money at people won't cause them to succeed (lottery winners have a high tentancy to file for bankruptcy). The democratic party does a great job of holding African Americans back though mental manipulation.
This didn't age well, recent video that was released of George Floyd's death shows that the cops weren't racist, even though it was impossible to prove there was racism to begin with. So sad to see British police officers being injured on mass because of this imaginary racism on a systematic scale.
The phrase Systemic Racism wasn't used once in this whole video, let alone was it discussed. This is solely sentimental.