It’s time to choose a Melee DPS class for World of Warcraft Shadowlands, but which is best dps? It’s not all about the numbers; we separate them into categories …
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It’s time to choose a Melee DPS class for World of Warcraft Shadowlands, but which is best dps? It’s not all about the numbers; we separate them into categories …
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As an SV hunter main, I appreciate how positive your review was. nice to hear a major YouTuber not just shit on it for not being ranged and see what's actually fun and interesting about it. and yes, it absolutely smashes in PvP
Demon hunters and rainbow ??? I know what i am gona main !!!
This show makes me laugh, well-done guys! Definitely appreciated the class overview.
I didn’t understand a word he said ….and My language is English, lol
Ugh dude. I refuse to play Breath of Sindragosa. I hate it. And I hate unholy. So at least Obliteration isn't.. bad? Right?
love feral but its just not cool that feral gets no love from blizz sice legion
Sighs… Just why! Why Blizzard WHY!
Finally some good news for feral
I don't think Havoc was the most complex class, but you still see players with similar equip doing more or less. So there is some level of skill. Personally, I found DH to be one of the most fun classes, regardless of tank or dps, both are fun to play mechanically. Fast paced, alot of movement – its just fun, also I think the gameplay just feels right for what DHs should be.
what addons/weakauras do you use for your ui?
Where was the ranking part of this melee ranked video?
Where is the "ranking" then ?
Enha looks amazing visually but… the spec is TOO specialized. You're either going full single target or full AoE, and being one makes you suck on the other (and it's not a small difference, it's like 50% difference in dps). So unless you have the budget to be able to go through talent changing books as fast as potions, it's going to suck.
At least on retail now, when I last went to dungeon, I was doing so much AoE damage that I routinely pulled aggro from poor tank (and doing 1.5-2x more than the next highest damage dealer), while on single target I was always near the bottom (with healer sometimes pulling more lol).
I still can't decide what to main in SL, mainly because deciding without beta access is hard.. on live, the azerite traits are skewing the class gameplay WAY too much to reliably feel which class clicks the most with you. I know I won't play caster because I hate cast times (especially since 99% encounters nowadays require you to move a lot, and some of them have you move CONSTANTLY throughout the whole fight), so I'll decide between hunter (except MM), warrior, death knight, enha shaman or demon hunter.
I've been arms forever im staying arms. But i will be playing resto druid, affliction lock and sub/assassination rouge
enchancement shaman looks the most fun
great work, great video, great everything 1+sub
FINALLY!! I have been wanting more DK runes for a long time
9:26 oh laud the "child" Eviltel voice is just too cute XD
13:37 is showing the Mongoose Bite from Legion that spend charges instead of costing focus. However , I love that style way more than what it is now, and i absolutely love how it could also increase the damage of the artifact weapon ability while the artifact weapon ability makes your Mongoose Bite last longer so that u can send out one more big Mongoose Bite. I wish this playstyle can be returned.
Baseline gargoyle? What? What the fuck?
Inc, survival buff? No? ?
I'm torn between Sub Rogue and Fury as my main.
That selfish cat comment got me LOL
It stinks that Kyrian is still the play for PVP for Arms and you don't get to as much fun in PVE with arms
He talks about how good dps is on certain specs while he plays without meters?
Gargoyle isnt baseline for unholy
Dh needs buff
what in the fuck is that Obliterate animation for DK's? how does blizzard manage to make animations look so gimped compared to animations that were made a decade and a half ago…
I'm confused because some of this information seems incorrect. UH does NOT have Gargoyle Baseline, and it has't' been baseline for a couple months when they gave it to us baseline then removed it. Some of this info seems wrong.
Btw survival is up there competing with MM and fire mages in aoe for m+ atlleast.
Can someone please tell me how can I find that song in the background for the survival hunter?? Been looking for ages with no luck X_X
Tali, we need a ranged dps vid asap
Wait. Gargoyle isn't baseline. Feel like i would've noticed that as a big brain unholy main.
Hew Tali you may not see this and thats fine i know you guys are really busy atm but I was wondering if the covenant abilities or the choice you make matter that much in difference with a casual player, i'm not a min maxer but i dont like being left behind. When browsing wowhead earlier it turns out the only classes that are worth playing night fae for are arcane mage and resto druid but while i am still unsure what i wanna play if i choose night fae for a different class am i going to suffer badly or is it not really that important?
Bring pestilence back :///////
– Sad DK 2020
Its called fury warrior not quite annoyed
your class ranking is always the most fun to watch … waiting for the ranged dps
does anyone know how the stacks that show on screen are bigger or which setting to put to make it like that
For all my poor windwalkers out there I swear I will clear mythic castle nathria and prove that we can be good… or more likely be carried, but fuck it the class is so fun I'll put up with the bs and low numbers
i was hesitating between Fury Ret & Enhencement. And fuck, no video are helping me switch between those 3 🙁 But stillf thanks for the content.
your sense of humor is the best, love the video <3
Wait I don't get it. Where is the ranks? This is just class explanations what am I missing?
I slammed my entire feral druid rotation into two macros for some OP glass cannon goodness. But if you expect me to heal myself, let alone a single friend, out of a paper bag… ha. Ha…… STILL! It reminds me of the MoP days with the lack of GCD and that's when I have the best feral memories, anyway.
Calling me out for playing fury i see.. fair enough
We are legit running Guardian + Feral + Feral + Moonkin + Resto in M+ this season. Feral is wayyyy stronger at 60 than people are giving it credit for.
Really great video. Enjoyed it.
I cant take you seriously with that ui
What shall i go with warrior or DK?