– Brand Nubian rapper Lord Jamar explains the difference in rap and hip hop, and claims that “rap is gay friendly,” not hip hop. He then …
Copyright (c) 2020 – All rights reserved. – Brand Nubian rapper Lord Jamar explains the difference in rap and hip hop, and claims that “rap is gay friendly,” not hip hop. He then …
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I hate having to skip through scenes on every new show just because they force it in there. Pretty soon I’m a just stop watching TV. People think it’s harmless but the imagery truly corrupts the mind and soul.
I've never heard his music, but his politics are flawless. Yea baby!
Since hip hop was about the pain and hardships that stemmed from prejudice and discrimination towards a particular group, I can see how Macklemore used those themes to link it to gays who are beaten up and abused or shunned and rejected. Why can’t he have an “opinion”? Many black people in the hood are gay and could never come out because it’s not associated with being masculine and tough. The message of that song is crucial and also applies to the very people that birthed hip hop because gays have always existed. It’s like saying the movie industry was started by whites and blacks were only “guests” in the beginning that played “housekeepers” or “slave” roles but over time, their own unique life experiences became the focus of many movies and tv shows and, they went from secondary characters to main characters. Art forms evolve and should encompass the myriad of experiences we endure as human beings, from all walks of life. That’s how we learn and become empathetic to situations and worlds that are not close to home. Sorry Jamar is extremely narrow minded here.
Supreme Allah!
Stop brainwashing children.
This what happened when white people are involved in our artform
Oh great another homophobic rapper who thinks gays are taking over the world…how original
Of course there is a gay agenda in films look at many new films they will insert a gay couple right at the end , because if they did it in the beginning you would stop watching i.e Startrek Picard, let's go to prison, Kevin Hart Nightschool etc etc even The new Karate kid Kobra Kai !!!! there's no agenda ? You blind?
First of all, YOU didn’t start shit. Second of all, MUSIC does not have a race. Does not have a color.
Secondly of all, there’s no such thing as a gay agenda. You talk a lot about gay people. You are literally that guy in high school that goes around talking shit about gays because you’re insecure about YOURE own sexuality. You’re a joke.
Props to Lord Jammer for his perspective on the essence of Hip-Hop & Rap but these opinions are just objective reasoning out there for validation. Isn't music not a universal language of expression enjoyed by all regardless of which race/culture creates it and for anyone to they say white people are guest and should not express their opinion about universal social issues is unreasonable, this comes across as an advocacy of privilege. Personally I think Macklemore addressed an important issue the Rap & Hip-Hop community still can't admit has been hiding behind the curtains. OK he addressed homosexuality from a union consent but that's what music was created for "freedom of expression". Lets all remember the role of Rap or Hip-Hop artists is to speak out and shed context to issues affecting culture, someone correct if I am wrong but is that not what Rap was initially designed for? Nobody should be slandered for creating actual meaningful content which completely digresses away from the alternative hypes of superficial mindless indulgence. I am not here to pick sides on social issues just only trying to shed importance on the demands for healthy content that enriches the mind, body & soul. Its high time the culture needs to address the realities and how we also evaluate the subconscious mindsets. When you fail to comprehend or understand an issue the room for hate breathes a voice.
Acting like he invented the game.
Hey! Lord Jam-aSs! You are not in charge of anyone or anything. Sod off. You are ugly everywhere. And a Ja-ja-joke. America is a democracy. Take your Lord and shove it.?
Macklemore the wackiest nigga to ever win a Grammy
I'm A black rocker's and agree!!!!
Supreme Allah
I love how minority groups discriminate against other minority groups but then play the 'poor me' card when it suits them! LAME!
Lord Jamar is like the Billy Graham of rap. I am a hip-hop fan, but everyday rappers glorify violence when it leaves so many grieving parents and orphans. I wish there were as many Vlad/Lord Jamar videos about innocent kids getting shot by gangs as there are about gays.
Lord Jamar was right!
so excluding, so homophobic, so garbage. Its hard to fight for people that fight against the change they claim they wanna see in the world. No wonder it has just as much ?? as ??
With all the BLM going on what I agree up on. Not allowing a white man in rap is also racist
Let's hear someone talk about black people doing rock and country
Soooooo what about gay black rappers?
Hip Hop is a black culture straight up. Many Latinos and whites etc are pioneers as well. But it is ultimately a black culture. And like every other black music and/or subculture, it has been taken and rebranded by big business. Most folks who criticize Lord Jamar don't know or understand True Hip Hop in it's essence. Brand Nubian was one of the realest Hip Hop groups ever. If u don't know that, you don't know Hip Hop, u just know rap.
So lord Jamar wants everyone to think in these terms ??? He feels his people are entitled to every thing but whites aren’t