– The manly way to cook. Because I am a terrible video editor, there are two black spots that I can’t help. I am sorry. I really hope you all …
Copyright (c) 2020 – All rights reserved. – The manly way to cook. Because I am a terrible video editor, there are two black spots that I can’t help. I am sorry. I really hope you all …
© 2020 Copyright - All rights reserved.
new trumble 😀
do u wanna teach me how to kill people with psychic powers?
Liked it
Jax at da end is either pro or gt lucky with blocking that shot
u made me buy and play trundle with this song *-*
since I "found" you I am buying and playing champs that I never even wanted
but they are fun to play
keep the work up!
somone explain to me how trundle is played? i mean…he has liike no damaging he all AD?
make a orianna rap
What program are you recording with? And wich do you use to edit your vid's?
@zBL00dy You forgot to specify, "in bots"
why is it that i listen to this then go 15/1/13
-1 for the idiot who disliked
I need a Maokai rap pls !!!
i started watching those raps just before i wanted to start a game in LoL, delayed me for like 30 mins xD
His auto attacks go with the song at 1:29 – 1:32 lol
Tags are awesome !
2:18 that jax was super pro
you think you can teach me to play mundo o_o!?!?!?
@nitramolo55 I was the Caitlyn in the video and those two kept blocking my ult shots. I knew he was going to jump in front again but I wasn't fast enough to catch either of them.
@FringeBeats Can I be your special thanks again if I buy you another skin?
trundle is an ashhole^^
defeat trundle are you trolling ?
Teemo rap!
Could you do a Shen or a Nunu one? These two would be great 😀
bosspanda ur next mission is a karthus rap 😀
ok now this is when i call bs, at around 1:10 he kills morde. and thats when i exclaim"HAXORSSSSSSS!!! MORDE IS IMPOSSABLE TO KILL!!!!!!" Oh and a jarvan rap plz and you can excpect some more subs. I spammed the living hell outta my friends.
need a veigar rap, the tiny master of evil demands it or he shall swallow your soul!!
gangplank maybe?
@FringeBeats oh hahahaha i thought it was the actual rosie i was like wtf !!! ok thx a lot for answering 😛
@ilookintrashcan4food he's my friend matt who used to review all of my songs before I uploaded them but its hard to get a hold of him now so he hasn't been in a special thanks for a while
whos is this RosieOdonnel you keep mentioning ?
amazing. you deserve way more subscribers.
I want Nocturne Rap 😀
@Fireluigi1 he needs more votes, I would love to though.
Can you make nunu rap 🙂 ?
Trundle is my main! YAY
i want a janna rap 😀
I want to se a Brolaf one not Olaf. and you can call it. "You can't arrest me my dad owns a dealership."
@MCTworfy turret dive video.
still need a nocturne rap