@lulugraphics acid will do that to you… i've been itchin' for that lotion… of course, i'm a modern guy i've been itchin' for that lotion… of course, i'm a modern guy
The lotion is Cocaine!I wonder if Johnny Depp has ever 'got it in the ear before!' Oh! Well, Jim Osterberg grew up in a Trailor Park and has probably fucked a lot more women than Jon Depp has. They wrote this song, Iggy Pop and David Bowie, before the Era of AIDS so I guess they didn't realize the damage they were doing to the politically correct consciousness of America by talking about drugs in a Rock song. It's still not acceptable to about Aids which is caused mostly by infected needles.
@lulugraphics acid will do that to you…
i've been itchin' for that lotion… of course, i'm a modern guy
i've been itchin' for that lotion… of course, i'm a modern guy
how did they manage to get a picture of him looking so sober?
The lotion is Cocaine!I wonder if Johnny Depp has ever 'got it in the ear before!' Oh! Well, Jim Osterberg grew up in a Trailor Park and has probably fucked a lot more women than Jon Depp has. They wrote this song, Iggy Pop and David Bowie, before the Era of AIDS so I guess they didn't realize the damage they were doing to the politically correct consciousness of America by talking about drugs in a Rock song. It's still not acceptable to about Aids which is caused mostly by infected needles.
@McVahrencampbell1 Yes, sometimes I think Jet copy the Iggy Pop.. But, anyway, both are excelent bad ass songs!
@lulugraphics acid will do that to you…
and, of course, the 1000 watt smile!
i've been itchin' for that lotion… of course, i'm a modern guy