FREDDIEGIBBS #AKADEMIKS #COMPLEXNEWS Executive Produced By: Pro Voiceover: Shy Grey …
Copyright (c) 2020 – All rights reserved.
FREDDIEGIBBS #AKADEMIKS #COMPLEXNEWS Executive Produced By: Pro Voiceover: Shy Grey …
© 2020 Copyright - All rights reserved.
He had a good run…got money…no ass whoopin’s…still breathing…run forrest(ak)…run lol
Akademiks when your chest literally does the wave every time you talk. That’s a FLOP!
roll in peace
Ak built like Theodore from Alvin and the Chipmunks
Ak is corny af
Ak needs intervention for his alcoholism NOW. Wish he gets the help he needs before he deteriorates :/
Teagan feel on with Epstein countless times and posted 60k plus fucked up tweets about kids she recently deleted. Devil.
Nip called this out.Mannn smh?
He thinks he’s 69…he ain’t ?
Who's supporting this guy anyway? I thought he was just joe buddens friend.
Who's Freddie gibs? And complex ain't shit without Akademiks.
Stop tryna be Daniel that it roll credits
If he can dish out negative energy he better be ready to receive some back. I don't think this is it there will be more thats a slap on the wrist from the universe.
He only drank a sip of a 40
Fuck Ak.
Akademiks' face looks like he got cheek implants. Those are some fat cheeks damn!
John Legend dope bro & you not even tough bro, like cut it out lol
Aw Fat boy got his feelings hurt ?
It would be hilarious if john legend just smoked this fool on some gangsta shit ??? no one would see it coming
Nip said this cornball would burnout, looks like he's heading that way
Lol ak really wearing a zone 6 hat??? Lmao they not going for dat??
Ak just needs to show a lil more respect, n not drink when he recording or streaming n stop all the aggression that be coming out of his voice sometimes, keyboard warriors like me doe, who can bench 250 can def talk mad shit ,AK be looking like a marshmallow
High key I think teigan got a ugly face, she be looking like a snake
I dont even know why complex gave him a job. He brings absolutely no value or insight to the world of hip hop.
Fuck Ak
Ak is a chump. John legend would whoop on that fat boy ?
How all the gangstas want to hurt ak when they know he softer than melted ice cream. Shit is corny, all tough for the wrong guy
He corny af
He's on the BOULE' Booty Bandit list – see what happens when he turns 33……ijs
This sounds like when someone talks their shit and before you can respond they've already ran away.
DYING at the first picture they used of Ak. And nah, he's not relevant enough to diss.
This ak dude is nothing but a kid that lost his life to the net. The fact he got a platform is jokes should be a rule disallowing people with mental ages of 6 to be talking online freely as this idiot
What did he say about Nadeska?
How ak doing a public apology and not directly apologizing to Chrissy Teigen. This shit is an apology to the public, not to the people he actually offended ?
he doesnt seem humble anymore and he tryna be somebody that he may not be and this is what happens
Ak seemed barely drunk in that vid. Someone pulled him aside and explained that gibbs wouldn't have to pay money to get at him. Gibbs is a 4CH and has a whole nation behind him. A very large widespread nation with a lot of people always ready to earn their stripes. Any kid trying to put in work to prove himself or even fools that want the trophy. Ak made himself a mark with the original vid. Someone got at him and let him know he aint built like that. That computer screen aint gonna protect you from the shit you said in that vid. You may have a nice net worth but your name is in debt.
Ak is a stain on the culture. He needs to be canceled permanently. He just tears down people who are better than him. Stupid ass teletubby
He only apologized to Nedeska but no apology for Chrissy…. He’s so fucking fake and disrespectful towards women! He calls them so many names and disrespects all women especially black women! He should have been cancelled years ago! He has this really weird hate towards women maybe because they pay no mind to him because they see through his bs and disrespect but idk y’all gotta protect y’all women better and cancel this clown for real bruh!
He’s on his way to getting fired from Trader Joe’s by Theo Huxtable
Freddie with the win