50CENT #POPSMOKE #THEWOO Executive Produced By: Pro https://www.instagram.com/jaysnprolifiq/ Voiceover: Alexandra Wurst …
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50CENT #POPSMOKE #THEWOO Executive Produced By: Pro https://www.instagram.com/jaysnprolifiq/ Voiceover: Alexandra Wurst …
© 2020 Copyright - All rights reserved.
Man 50 always gonna be in the top five, pop smoke who? Never heard of him until this video, also 50 son wouldn't have no clout if it was not for his bloodline.
Instead of standing next to both your parents and making them both proud of you, your taking sides in your parents beef. Play your position as a child to your parents and not the position of a 3 party in their relationship gone wrong.
I’mma just go on record and say with no proof whatsoever that pop is related to 50 and Marquise.
they are both petty
Boy needs to respect his father smh
It's crazy how we hate the people we are most like
Why is this news? ?
50 disrespected his son with that snitch9 comment!!!
50 son needs to get a career his pops name alone should make him pop off he lazy
They both hurt.
Who cares
50 a legend
we know you cause of 50 lol stop that haten lil homie
Grow up… I understand that u and your dad dont get along but he still and for ever will be your dad and you only got one dad….. stop being so petty on both sides..
At this point homie just hurt and he gonna be petty every chance he get. I’m sorry but pop smoke is not on the same lvl as 50. cuz ungrateful little dick head, cause of 50 he ain’t had to work a day in his life.
He hate his son cause they tryna out-petty eachother.
Petty vs Petty lol
Looks like promotion for the Pop Smoke album 50's been overseeing. ??♂️
Ilk bro… honestly bro. Stop whatever you doing
Shiiiiiiiddddddddddddd I wouldn't put my father in the top nothing if he dont claims me…his son has a right to be petty and it's time for 50 to be the bigger parent in all this foolishness but I know we won't….this shit sad
Give credit it’s my interview
Apple doesn't fall far from the tree… his son is a troll too???
Why do people like 50 bruh??? Lol people love to put bullies and rats on a pedestal as long as they are successful smh shows how most people are sheep, and prisoners of the moment
50 is nowhere near top tier on my list.
50s not in my top 5 conversation, he's nice though. Pop Smoke didn't make enough music to be up there either. He might have been on his way though
This kid is a walking evil villain origin story.
50 son is so disrespectful.
See this son is a grown ass man and he acting like a kid and being immature