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Ah jay z and Beyoncé. The two most oppressed rich people in the world. You know those two are terribly racist right? Can’t stand them
first 20 secs made me laugh so yeah good start
Beyonce doesn't hold a candle to Ladybeard
let's turn beyonce off. If reacting to beyonce, let's not react the way stevie t would
No offense but you guys talk way to much over the song. What’s the point of reacting to music if you don’t stay quite enough to actually hear it. Cringe.
Somwone matched up Angel of Death with that Ring on It music video. They have the same timing.
Should've shown her the clip where Matty Heafy sings in a karaoke bar and the girls swoon over him. lol
As a Trivium fan I am too angered at this
This is not a thing you can do
I didn't know Trivium before this video and they became one of my favorite bands! Thanks a lot Cole!
just skip Beyonce part…trivium forever..
Anyone else mad that she skipped to beyonce right before the solo of beyond oblivion =/ wtf
"Beyonce will forever be a more talented artist" (while listening to trivium)
Im gonna have to stop you right there
Has Beyonce died yet? Pop music oh noooo
….. How dare you compare Matt Heffy to that.
That's because ABR is not metal. They're Sampler metal!
She is cute but a musical ditz
All The Single Ladies
The only pop music I would ever listen to are the beatles
Good Trivium choices
Fuck the nickel back pussy ?here new mexico saying this
Watch one if the love videos of trivium and they will tell you.
Girl in the video is much more beautiful than beyonce to me
Her voice is so good
It’s auto tuned it sounds robotic
Auto tune! ?
That is an Oni mask,from Japan
lol I thought he said "well you've been around awhile"
Very funny XD
beyonce has nothing on tatiana shmailyuk when it comes to both looks and singing! period
This guy is good, especially at the Kanye part đŸ˜€
When she said that the metal artist reminded her of country and nickelback I logged off, that was the end for me
Of course she doesn't like the screaming. Play shogun lol.. he went clean because he had to. He almost lost his voice screaming then had to learn how to sing over again.
"They look more metal than August Burns Red"
Oh you sweet, innocent child.
But does it Djent
Have the girls react to some System of a down, 5fdp, Korn etc. I think they may actually like something like that.. just an opinion.
if beyonce could play guitar and sing at the same time, until then most lead singers in metal will be more talented.
Alex sets fire to the drums every time he plays. He is insane!
Listen Trivium- Strife??