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"I Fall In Love To Easily"……….
omg fantastic music you dont understand how much i love these, this particular video is my fav. When i have my own place all your playlists will be on infinite loop
How much money does one make for just putting a music? Just curious.
What a vibration
I'd jump into this music and live there forever ♡
Playing right now on my Coffeeshop
Trilha sonora de minha vida.
I fall in love, too easily
I really appreciate it. This I just listen this when it's raining especially at dawn. Cannot forget…
This music has been such a bright spot for me! It is absolutely wonderful!!
old vinyl jazz mixed with Hip Hop,beautiful!!!
I just found these music , was looking for something relaxing, and love it
Can somebody tell me where is it
15:05 Persona 5 vibes
Why does the Dislike button exist? If ya don't like it, click off the vid. Otherwise, sit around and vibe.
Have a good day for any-of- who reads this. ? 2020 is harsh, but we'll get through this.
rainy night, warm tea sitting beside me and the smell of saccharine pastries linger in the air. studying, while relaxing in my plush bed and this is music is on. bliss.
Please stop putting a million ads!
Hey Stranger,
We don’t know each other, but I do know that you (a human being) got problems, big and small. sometimes we need things to be put in perspective to realise how small our problems truly are.
Life is a gift, and like a roller coaster, it has its ups and downs. Most of the time our struggles are created (or fueled) by ourselves. Dont be your worst enemy, stop worrying about dumb things. I know its easier said than done, it just takes practice, and catching yourself while you are doing it. In the event that you only live once, do everything you possibly can to make your life enjoyable. If you make a mistake or embarrass yourself, it won't be written in the history books that Karen walked into a glass door that one time. Stop getting worked up over silly things, little dramas that you will forget next week… or day. Do what you have always wanted to do, because you never know when it will be too late.
If something is making you unhappy, shove it down the garbage disposal (unless its a person… please don't do that, just block them). Actually, dont shove anything down the garbage disposal, I put a fork down there once and it was a disaster.
Anyways, If you aren't happy with yourself realise that a year from now, if you don't change you’ll be in the exact same place. If you are feeling alone, reach out to new people.
The reason I'm telling you this is because I haven’t had the best couple years and recently was driving, distracted thinking about how sucky life was and in that exact moment came very close to dying in a car crash. Suddenly, I realized how absurd my seemingly colossal problems were, I was just thankful to be alive. Nobody has life figured out, I'm certainly not claiming to, I just know sometimes you have to let go of your problems and stop holding yourself back. It's okay to be sad or feel defeated, just make sure you always keep trying no matter what.
In honor of that spirit, here are a few apps that I use to keep me accountable they are all incredibly easy to use and free (not sponsored lol):
Everydollar,My Net Diet ,Habit Bull,Any.Do, Google Calendar
(I use them every day, and it takes no time at all.)
I'm certainly not a motivational speaker, but I do hope this helped in some way, even if its just a momentary boost. I hope you remember this for your bad days. Perhaps someday, life’s problems become insignificant. If you are at that point right now: google “10 ways to make people feel good.”
spread love to the people around you.
With love, Emma.
i put a lot of effort into that.
wouldve been great if there werent ads
I want to live inside this image