NBA All-Star Kyrie Irving goes Sneaker Shopping with Complex’s Joe La Puma at Concepts in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and talks about his signature …
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NBA All-Star Kyrie Irving goes Sneaker Shopping with Complex’s Joe La Puma at Concepts in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and talks about his signature …
© 2020 Copyright - All rights reserved.
Who else here after they saw the “free”price
My first kyries I thought I was kyrie I will watch all his videos we do the same moves I’m like a big kyrie
i never heard bout you giving back gtfoh
Bro give us the real price. Just the off white shoes cost 4 times as much as he "paid"
Kyrie is doofy and fake
Kyrie needs to be the president of America!
kyrie got off whites for $130
I can't stop looking at sneakers
how can i get the shirt which kyrie is wearing in this video ??
I just got one of those kyrie Irving shoes
I just got Kyire 6's Oreo and I love them if someone is wondering if they should get them, go ahead u won't regret it
The freshest kicks were the ones he had on which are what ???
Why is he buying his own shoes?
This might be the cheapest episode ever
One humble Point Guard!
Bruh really bought 3 sneakers ?
bro i have ay soccer team athletico mike t@andy2toronto .. like your shoes
bro i need to know what he has on his feets
How tf did he get off whites for $130?!?
Lol he’s a flat earther
First sentence outta kyrie mouth. Black privilage
Need to see you 1v1 Bone brotha
Bruh kyrie bought his own signature shoe
Anyone know what shoe he’s holding in the thumbnail?