An ancient boatmen tune also known as Bhatiali, this tune has been sung with different lyrics by boatmen in Bengal since ages; used by R D Burman as O Majhi …
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An ancient boatmen tune also known as Bhatiali, this tune has been sung with different lyrics by boatmen in Bengal since ages; used by R D Burman as O Majhi …
© 2020 Copyright - All rights reserved.
Who is listening this in 2020?
From wherever you are from India / Pakistan, folk songs should always be given utmost importance. It is actual history and for so many years shaped up the culture and people of that place ?
Shaan Dada you are one of the greatest singers of the generation after the legendary greats of the golden era… Where are you Dada.. . Current singers are excellent. But you are great. ???????
Bengali's have special voice from kisor da to today's Arijit .and bengali folk is awesome ….love this song ❤️ …and proud to be a Bangali?
পুরাই পিনিক
Shaan, your voice is too unique ?
Best 1
The reason why Coke Studio India failed miserably – What we do in Bollywood Music, we did the same with CS, making remake and infusing basic instrumental elevation.
Nice songs
The sweetest voice of India #Shaan ❤
Just waiting for Shaan to start….❤️
Flute player is awesome ???
কি একটা অবস্থা! দাদারা সব বাংলাদেশী গানকেই নিজেদের বলে দাবি করছে। বলি এবার একটু থামুন। গানের অরিজিন কোথা থেকে ভালো করে আগে জানুন। বাংলাদেশের সব গান কলকাতা-বলিউড সব লুটে-পুটে নিলেন।
Shaan is always my favorite <3
Vishan vishan sundar
The original 'Bhatiali' tune of the song (which is sung in northern part of Bangladesh and West Bengal) fitted well in Saurav Moni's voice and Shaan made it euphonious for listeners of other languages. It's a great effort of them to popularise a folk Bangla song to more listeners. Heartfelt thanks and gratitude from Bangladesh!!
Awesome ❤️❤️ song
Shaan a very talented singer and sadly underrated
Arrangements zabardast sab shaandar tha
Sirf shaan ko chhod ke. ?
Sma bandh diya dono ne
এটি একটি আধ্যাত্মিক গান, অর্থ অনেক, অনেক গভীর। না বুঝে কেউ শুধু মন্তব্য করার জন্য মন্তব্য করবেন না প্লিজ।
Funny comment.গাঞ্জা খাইয়া নোঙর রাইখা নৌকা বাইলে যেইখানের নাও সেইখানেতেই থাকে?
Shaan starts at 2:32, his voice is smooth as butter
Bhatiali and Baul, what a awesome and deadly fusion song. Fatiye diyechho yaar.
Sometimes I try to think from a neutral pov and still find Bengali to be such a sweet language. I think I would have loved the language even if I wasn't a Bengali….
Beautiful cover song O Majhi Re please watch
" Love from Bangladesh! "
2020, Nice song or music ?❤️
Fusion is excellent?
Asol Gaan tar pindi chotke rekhekche…chitkar korlei darun beoar hoy na,,,shaan er gola tuku chara just ekta chitkar er moto ..motei bhalo lagche na sunte
Kya bengali kya punjabi .. music is universal language of soul .. music brings us together. Coke studio unites india. /
Wow Shaan, sir.
Shaan's majhire ws awful – to say the least..!!
Supar songs
Anybody here in quarantine time?
Love fom Bangladesh ❤❤
18/05/20 ✌
?love this composition. That flute ???
Sorry very bad music. Shaan is only saving grace.
The first episode of the best in India! Shaan – the respect both of Coke Studio and Bengal ?
Bengali is awesomely sweet language. Though don't understand yet love ? praises from Nepal
Hey Anando hey kothay tumi
Surer majhe aacho hey….