Two events that have defined the formative years of Gen Z: COVID-19 and the climate crisis. Young climate activists who are tired of waiting on the grown ups …
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Two events that have defined the formative years of Gen Z: COVID-19 and the climate crisis. Young climate activists who are tired of waiting on the grown ups …
© 2020 Copyright - All rights reserved.
Climate change is a hoax
I used to have so much respect for Complex… You guys got bought and sold your bootyholes.. fuckin sellouts
Here’s what business as usual means: Solar and wind power are 2% of total global energy use after 30 years trying . . By 2040 only 15% of global energy will be renewable . This is because electricity is only 20% of global energy use . By weight only 4% of mammals are wild ( humans & livestock = 96% ) . Emissions went up 50% in 30 yrs , up 30% in 15 years . C02 will be 500 ppm by 2040 and 600 ppm by 2050 = 2X safe limit of 300 ppm . Renewables will be only 20% of global energy by 2050, even with new solar tech — thanks to AC, cryptos, chargers etc.
Dams and bio-energy are ecological shitholes.
You can’t burn forests for electricity to save us from the climate.
To get 30% of energy from algae would take a country the size of Argentina.
Soy and corn are gene modded to survive the poisons that kill birds, bugs, fish, frogs & plants
Soy and corn are treated with petrochemicals and nano particles for market
Soy and corn are wrapped in gender bending containers for shipping and storage, then we eat it – get sick – and buy medicine from the same people.
There will never be a 100% green energy vegan world, ever.
Some ideas are so stupid, only intellectuals believe them.
Academic circle jerk asphyxia is the leading cause of male extinction.
4% of global energy is renewable – YT, WSJ, BP 2019
4 global climate treaties failed in 30 years – Canadian Government 2018
15% of global energy will be renewable by 2040 – YT WSJ BP 2019
15% of global energy will be renewable by 2040 – CNBC IEA 2018
“To meet 20% of all global energy by 2050, the solar industry would need to install 300 to 500 GW annually over the next 30 years. Current global PV module manufacturing is 100 GW per year.”
We burn soy, corn and palm oil in cars, also plastic and trees for electricity. The trees come from rainforest clearcuts to plant more soy corn and trees. This is called green energy. It’s fraud for green money called carbon credits.
Even without increased AC, EVs, crypto and charger demands, renewables are unfit for purpose on a global scale. 5% or even 10% per decade won’t do.
50 Reasons why wind power can not replace fossil fuels
Global scale new solar wind tech will take decades to do.
They still chug out solar panels the old fashioned way, and won’t stop until they have to. It’s the same with giant offshore epoxy wind blades. They’re worth too many millions to shut down just because it’s wrong.
100% private global quarterly UBI carbon wealth tax dividends = Real Climate Justice
4% of Mammals Are Wild:
4% of Energy Is Renewable:
Bayer + Monsanto = Death:
Cutting off fossil fuels too quickly will undoubtedly hurt poor minority communities the most. And it will devastate emerging economies in third world countries around the globe. First world countries will basically be saying " prosperity for me but not for thee! "
we have to end the trees racism too! yesterday I was just walking down the street, and rotten fruit from the tree landed on my head! as a person of color, I feel really offended, and I'm pretty sure this tree was racist. why trees have rotten fruit in neighborhoods of people of color?? Trees Racism. no cap
Imagine thinking we can save the planet when most people can’t even take care of themselves?
I’m starting to believe they are just making up words and sayings now
In the year 10,836 BC around 9% of the world biomass burnt within several months. It was the start of 1,200 years of full glacial period. Within 10 years temperature dropped by 10 degrees. In the end of those 1,200 icy years the temperature went up by as much as 10 degrees within 10 years. It was around the year 9,600 BC.
Nobody is interested in that period. Everybody just whining about the current climate change.
I FUCK WITH THE MOVEMENT but i dont like the girl yall got to explain this
If you're looking to get involved in the fight to curb environmental racism and the climate crisis, sign the petition on our website to learn more.
dislike just bc “environmental racism”
dammmnnn complex beats always lit
Yup, I’m unsubscribing
Complex news is a joke and so are the 12 year old trendy “ reporters”
Everything is racist, obviously. Because POC are impacted most, everything is racist. It could not ever possibly be because world governments have a history of segregating populations that we continue to see a disproportionate effect on POC and really… the poor. Too many people wanna point the racism finger at what is really a historical issue of classism. If we all looked exactly alike, we would still find difference to hate each other for.
Enough of this blatant propaganda! We see right through your communist agendas and it's only pissing people off more and more.
"HoW tO vOtE aGaInSt EnViRoNmEnTaL rAcIsM" such blatant propaganda
This is the epitome of socialist subversion . People who listen to this are being taught how to be racist against caucasians
Environmental racism??
wtf is Environmental Racism
Environmental racism?? How tf can an inanimate thing be racist
No shit chase is the world's worst funder of fossil fuel after what him and many others like Ford did to nikola tesla their assets should be dissolved and charged for a crisis that couldeve been avoided to being with
Overpopulation is the problem not this, can’t blame capitalism when you’ve done nothing but benefit from it, if you’re so against capitalism please go live in Cuba you’ll see how good you have it, I feel like people can’t accept their own accountability and understand that no political party will ever change your life like YOU can
“Environmental racism “ wow, the commies really have a winner with that one
This isn't a race thing Poland has some of the worst air quality in the world same as China because the burn poor quality coal,also don't rope dumb fucking commie ideas into a climate change discussion because no one will take your stance seriously
It is critical that we find a way to save our planet from the greenhouse effect, but calling it “environmental racism” is gonna make the conservatives deny it even more, and rally together to keep desecrating the Earth.
daphne is such an inspiration!
So every other race living in the same areas isnt affected by the air polution? Makes sense
Should have but Racks Hogan instead
Liberals……the cause of EVERY problem in existence.
"environmental racism" yikes stfu
Electricity is racist because it disproportionally affects black and brown people. Lol.
Tell me what you think
Please listen to my music
Climate science issues and racial justice issues are well-connected, much as people may not think so. Thank you for shining a light on this.
Stay good luv i
I remember when this used to be a good Channel. Oh how the mighty have fallen