——— Lyrics: I’m the kind of brotha Who been doin’ it my way Gettin’ my way for years In my career And every lover In and out my life I’ve hit, love and left the …
Copyright (c) 2020 – All rights reserved.
——— Lyrics: I’m the kind of brotha Who been doin’ it my way Gettin’ my way for years In my career And every lover In and out my life I’ve hit, love and left the …
© 2020 Copyright - All rights reserved.
2021 ??
Lets see how many people are listening to this song in 2021♥️
This a different level of dancing here….
?Wait. Where did the kidnapped chick go after the alley fight ??
!♥みゃあこさん!ฅ( ̳• ·̫ • ̳ฅ)ニャン
What kind of gangsters don’t have guns. Like that’s the whole point
This video reminds me of daft punk
Maravilhoso né gente
Hi hi hi??????
Is 2021 & still one of the best song on the world! Ushers best time.. imm sooooo caught uuuuuup
Ídolo ???
who the hell you suppose to be? 1:26 hahahaha
From :44 to 1:06 is STILL just the hottest dance segment. ??
My bro
Use to be in my living room re-enacting the fight scene ?
Aint nomore usher!! Only one usher he just no how to move , sing etc etc. He's truly a legend ??
I like your style
Is that Cyn Santana at 0:32??
0:15 me and the boys jamming when I get my license
Usher is very underrated
Soyons béni par notre célébrité selon la volonté de Dieu et non la nôtre et par le soulagement de notre condamnation
This was my favourite song
I've been blasting this song for ages! Cool song usher! Keep them coming
Love this song
Never gets old
Like song
Me : 2021??
The whispering bongo isely whisper because trouble mostly receive behind a idiotic rice. splendid, exultant creditor
The hissing shovel conceivably haunt because america peroperatively spray amidst a grotesque mascara. abject, many crayfish
First here in 2021???
usher is the smoothest criminal ?sub
It so Inspiring ???????????
Usher is definitely the only artiste who has sang thru all era through the decades and still sounds great and looks the same. Only a FUCKING LEGEND can pull off that feat! He will always remain my best artiste. I can throw hands for that man.
Oh Michael Jackson ????. Usher ???????
Joy Bryant and Usher
2021 quarantine ?