Get your daily dose of #FAILS right here! America’s Funniest Videos has the BEST collection of #EPICFAILS and we’ve put together some of our favorites to get …
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Get your daily dose of #FAILS right here! America’s Funniest Videos has the BEST collection of #EPICFAILS and we’ve put together some of our favorites to get …
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Si mi amor
I laughed so hard and I Peed my pants then
Very funny
So funny ??
2:12 it's like when people film "real" aliens, just can't keep the camera on the subject…
if you what laugh like never before wellcome to my chanel
Aw is daylight timer can’t completely getting
LOL these ppl even have a worse day than mine ?? Sorry but i'm happy of this thought ??
2:06 It's so funny. I laugh so hard. Three women were thrown off the buoy while surfing
very entertaining, i really like it ????????
la la la la?
There are people laughing and nothing's funny
It is not funny bro man man man bro sir ?!
This so funny but I didnt laugh
Teacher: use your own words. Just don’t copy from the text book
Book: she was born in 1978
Me: 1978 was the year in which she was born
Hahahaha ?? lol ??????
Thats funny
1:08 I laughed so hard?????????????
1:44 was funny ??
ppl falling is so hilarious
I'm on here I got woken up and getting blown up on my phone asking why I'm on here??
The one with the water bottle if I did that to my sister she would kill me
4:15 we don't have that thing in our home.
not funny just borring
Hehe funny
6:16 On a hoverboard (Fail)
SB lol RS
Very good ???????
My name is Josué. I'm brasilian
I love your videos. Carry on, never stop
In at 92 seconds and I didn't even smile once.
Y’all Falls are ?????????????????????????????????????
Почему у них такие дурацкие , опасные шутки. И ржут при этом как лошади !!!! Человек травмируется. Они ржут !???
What happened at 1:08 and at 1:46?
What's the cat doing at 1:25–1:35?
5:53 i have the same exact dishwasher XD
1:18 I think somebody been nipping on the Wine a little to much.