Expert is a ton of fun. No one told me it was THIS fun. How far can we get? Super Mario Maker 2 is a 2D platforming and level-editing game for the Nintendo …
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Expert is a ton of fun. No one told me it was THIS fun. How far can we get? Super Mario Maker 2 is a 2D platforming and level-editing game for the Nintendo …
© 2020 Copyright - All rights reserved.
2 minute mark = rofl
Suck It! Rest of the World
That should be a meme.
9:28 omg this sync
"Net Positive" is the endless mode equivalent of "DEFENSE".
Endless Expert IS THE BEST!!!
Net negative, net neutral, net positive, net negative, net neutral, net positive, net negative, net neutral, net positive, negative, net neutral, net positive, et negative, net neutral, net positive, net negative, net neutral, net positive, net negative, net neutral, net positive, net negative, net neutral, net positive, net negative, net neutral, net positive, net negative, net neutral, net positive, net negative, net neutral, net positive, net negative, net neutral, net positive, net negative, net neutral, net positive, net negative, net neutral, net positive, net negative, net neutral, net positive, net negative, net neutral, net positive, net negative, net neutral, net positive, net negative, net neutral, net positive, net negative, net neutral, net positive, net negative, net neutral, net positive, net negative, net neutral, net positive, net negative, net neutral, net positive, net negative, net neutral, net positive, net negative, net neutral, net positive, net negative, net neutral, net positive, net negative, net neutral, net positive, net negative, net neutral, net positive, net negative, net neutral, net positive, net negative, net neutral, net positive, net negative, net neutral, net positive, net negative, net neutral, net positive, net negative, net neutral, net positive, net negative, net neutral, net positive, net negative, net neutral, net positive, net negative, net neutral, net positive, net negative, net neutral, net positive, net negative, net neutral, net positive, net negative, net neutral, net positive, net negative, net neutral, net positive, net negative, net neutral, net positive, net negative, net neutral, net positive, net negative, net neutral, net positive, net negative, net neutral, net positive, net negative, net neutral, net positive, net negative, net neutral, net positive, net negative, net neutral, net positive,
You've got some net neutrals in there, but what do you think about net neutrality?
This is probably from ages ago but you could rename the emote to "restoftheworld" or something
Wow new high score!
Yeah, this is way more fun than super expert. Please do more of this <3
“Why do I play as toadette? Because she’s thiii-the best”
LadyPoo, I have a clip for the Instagram account! 1:56
Does anyone know the name of the outro song at the ending?
Thank you so much for enjoying my 'Browsers unbearable castle' level!
These were so much fun to watch. What a brutal end!
That thumbnail is poo like, "yo, my world record is this big."
I was cringing the whole time. Sad to see you go out like that bro:(
One of the problems with the lower difficulty levels is that super expert levels can appear in them. The levels have to filter down the difficulties based upon skip/clear rates. So that spring level just didn't have enough fails to get it into super expert at that point. This is why a no skip expert or lower may not be possible due to these levels.
Thanks for the content, poo. And for being a great human being. I can see the fight right now on your Twitter, and it makes my cold, dead heart feel glad that you're fighting it from a position of privilege.
What is the song in the intro?
What ended up happening with the Expert no-skip run from about a month ago where Poo skipped with 1 life left at level 99 or so; got a few more lives and got at least a few more levels? I think I stopped watching around level 110 or so…
That "your mom" joke got me good ???
hahaha you lost
Lol I love how your name backstory is like the jokers in the Dark Knight. I half expected you to finish that sentence about your mom not liking it with “…not…one…bit.”
Mr. Poobear,
whispers in your ear Spring jump level.
I'll like this video if you go back and best that spring jump level
What's the mad lad so mad about?
Poo: what is the goal, a hundred levels?
Immediately gets destroyed XDDD