In episode #13 of Roscos weekly BBA Vlog Chris Burandt and I end up in a creek. Kyle Takes his Turbo sled on vacation, and we give you a Million more …
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In episode #13 of Roscos weekly BBA Vlog Chris Burandt and I end up in a creek. Kyle Takes his Turbo sled on vacation, and we give you a Million more …
© 2020 Copyright - All rights reserved.
We need more sled time!!
What kind of seat covers are those?
Maaannnn I have been binge watching these like crazy!!!!!
9:47 in a creek with Burandt sounds upsest
Nice work ?
Why does Kyle look so drunk all the time?
What song did you use for kyles segment?
at 4:58 skinz light weight knife
funniest part is the end (10:13)…pull a donut and leave u there to make it out in a fresh rut!! gassed at 430!!lmbo
what frontend do you guys use?
You guys need to come up to the cabin. I get so jealous of everyone being able to sit on top of the snow on their sleds! Come to my cabin with 103” of powder for February!. 7 more days of snow in the forecast! I hurt sooo bad after riding one day on my turbo sleds!!!
The whole vlog is my favorite part. Thanks for all the work ?
Sup dude I have red hair I can rip and repair my new Polaris am I hired?
Great VLOG! Keep em’ coming.
Greetings from Greenland
Just smash that like button prior to watching
more moremore!!
Awesome job dude! Love the riding portions and the creek !!
Does your track ever show any threads around the edges? What’s the best way to trim them or maintain your track?
Another great video Ross! Keep them comin man, I can't wait for next weeks video. Gosh lots of hate on Kyle for going on vacation haha I cant believe Burandt left you for "dead" in that creek at the end of the day lol but glad to see you throttled down and got her outta there!
The Ninja moves off the tree! Pretty epic. Keep up the great work guys!
We love them creeks☝?☝??✔. Good job on everything??.
Do you have to be a true redhead or is it enough if you just dye your hair red? Asking for a friend
cant wait booked my trip feb. 2020 gonna be awesome maybe I can get a job red heads all the way
Favorite part of the video is whem Chris got stuck going downhill ??
Awesome Ross! Kyle enough slacking, get back to the vlog…
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ enough said
Giveaway soon?
Love the content!
Nature valley is owned by Monsanto….
If I dye my hair red is it possible to become a part of BBA Ross?