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16:11 lmao..
Song name at 7:18 ?
I'm sort of new here, and are they all paid actors ? like really paid actors ?
-1 Pepega
How can i find the YMCA song playing lmao
seeing Bulldong & Arch always brighten my day
16:00 Immortal rank sf
AdmiralBulldog: "thinking they can kill me" fucking dies
Arch MVP PogU
3:30–4:00 perfect timing of everything in that sequence OMEGALAUGHING
9:40 dat music sync
Paid Actors LULW
why not just get raindrops to fight sf
That was a pretty sick game actually. Some big throws too, but some very cool fights.
We need dong tales elaitoh
Solowin by tiny
9:48 sounds from Dead by daylight game?
Tiny safe the world guys
B dog opponents are bunch of dumdums…. 3 carries couldnt carry the game against a cm core
>be me
>choose maiden mid
>teammate “WTF MAIDEN MID?!?”
>”yeah its not that ba….”
>other teammate chooses dazzle carry
>”if maidens throwing then i am too”
>”report this mid shit”
>goes 15 0 in match, roams, helps lanes, kills heroes
>team proceeds to die constantly
>”we lost cause of the maiden mid”
>”yah we needed a real hero mid”
>continues to play as good as possible to try to win game. Ends with 20 0 score while team is 0 50
>”maiden reported”
>gets 4 reports
>queues next game as sf mid
>goes 0 20, has no map presence, feeds constantly
>”nice try sf gl next”
Tiny BrokeBack OMG ,Pepega arch and Bulldog
dude i was playing dead by daylight and the myers chase music at 10:00 confused me so much
Carried by ARCH pepega…
PLAY Layers Of Fear 2, Mr BullDong Sir.
I have never seen anyone this bad. Arch omegalul
20:09 he's putting preasure on Arch, that's why he went in before his ult was ready.
sometimes you gotta ignore bulldog.
i know thumbnail nail girl is a click bait, wish she could have streamed PEPEHANDS.
Tony PogU
Bulldog in party queue: monkaGiga
Bulldog in solo queue: AdmiralC
bulldog: feeds
also bulldog: ARCH!
Just ban arch, how is he so bad??
Tiny Pog
Can someone tell me what anime is 12:21
Tony PogU
that Indian "we are electric tid dit dirit titit" 08:16
9:18 what is the title of this song? anyone?
12:08 FaceCam closed lol
That Tiny man Mvp… Along with Enchantress
Actually winning pepega
Bulldog has a love/hate relationship with Arch. Its fucking beautiful! :')
cm best girl
The pepega win